The world's first lean coffee-table book, Lean Reflections, is a completely different kind of book because it delivers a message in the form of 290 photos. If one picture is worth thousand words, then 290 equals to 290,000 words!
This book is dedicated to all lean evangelists who believe in the power of lean to inspire people, transform lives, and create a better world. It was produced with the hope that lean champions, leaders, and evangelists will make a difference in the world through lean.
Special thanks go to Lean Sensei staff, associates, friends & families, clients, partners, and contributors who made every moment in this book a truly special occasion.
"I believe in the power of lean to transform the world in a way that we cannot even begin to imagine."
David Koichi Chao
The book is 160 pages and has 290 beautiful photos. It is available with seven different kind of front covers, and can be ordered "on-demand" from the link below. The entire process of creating and publishing this book is so different from any other form of traditional publishing, that the new process literally turns traditional publishing on its ears.