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Monday, March 12, 2012

Greenbelt Service Winter Module 2

It has been a very busy month for LSI. Just as our 'Operational Spring Greenbelts' were ending their second Module at a large manufacturer of heavy duty equipment, our  Winter Service Greenbelt class were arriving in Vancouver, for Module 2 of their program. One of the major tasks for this class will be a Process Time Reduction Assignment for a large financial institution.

Before they tackled the hands-on kaizen, they took part in an exercise, making paper airplanes with their teammates.

Bob is showing the participants how to make a paper airplane.

 Now, it's their turn to make airplanes as efficient as possible without overproduction and any defects.  Key pointsto take away from this exercise- Measure the cycle-time, balance the production line and always keep the customer demands in mind!

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