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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Mistake Proofing

Poka-Yoke also known as mistake proofing or error proofing can be preventative or indicative in nature. Whether it is a device or piece of machinery that prevents the next step in the process from taking place until the previous step has been properly executed or an alert that indicates that a mistake has been made, we can find many existing examples.

Pressing the brake pedal in order to start the ignition of a car, the safety clamp being on as the default setting of BBQ starters, warning or confirmation pop-up windows on computers when deleting folders or auto-locking nozzles for chemical cleaning products are just a few examples in every day life.

Error proofing is a large component of quality assurance and a competitive edge for companies that recognize the importance of it. How can you build error proofing into your processes and systems?

Learn how Juku course, Lean Mistake Proofing one day course. All attendees must have at least Lean Sensei Greenbelt certification. 

This year the Juku course, Poka Yoke will be held on January 24, 2014
We can accept a few more last minute registrations via our website:
It is strongly suggested that you call our office to make sure that spots are still available prior to registering: (604) 264-1000

Lean Mistake Proofing is just one of the many topics you can gain expertise in through the Juku program. Call our office for upcoming dates:
  • Set-Up Time Reduction
  • People Development
  • Product Development
To learn more about how you can elevate your Greenbelt or Blackbelt certification to Professional status, visit the page on our website.

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