This week, we would like to congratulate two Executive Lean certification achievements, Chad for achieving Executive Lean Leader status and Kam for moving up to the second highest level of Executive Lean certification, Lean Director.
Lean Sensei's Executive Lean certification umbrellas several specialized courses in lean, with each course carrying a different weight with regards to executive credits. See our website for more details.
Kam and Chad were awarded their hard-earned certificates at Executive Lean Deployment.
Chad, Executive Lean Leader certified (6 credits)
KAM K. RAMAN MBA, BBA, CFP, Executive Lean Director certified
As Assistant Vice-President, Sales &
Member Experience, Kam is passionate about creating consistently exceptional
member experiences. She provides leadership to the credit union’s lines of
business on member touch-point strategies, member loyalty tracking, member
rewards programs, branch design, and continual improvement of the member experience.
Kam and her team support First West’s sales processes by providing tools and
resources to branches, working with partners to implement new products and
services, managing sales reporting and tracking, and leading the organization’s
CRM strategy, tactics and execution. Kam also leads First West's Lean culture
and continuous improvement practices.
Kam has been in the financial services
industry for almost 20 years, progressively working her way through the
organization. She has led many enterprise projects including the development
and introduction of First West’s member experience strategy. Kam is an
instructor of Advanced Organizational Behaviour at Kwantlen Polytechnic
Kam holds a master’s degree in Business
Administration from Queen’s University, a bachelor’s degree in Business
Administration specializing in Entrepreneurial Leadership, and a Certified
Financial Planner designation. She is also a trained practitioner of lean
methodologies and is certified as a Lean Director with Lean Sensei International.
Kam volunteered as the Vice-President of
the Deltassist Family & Community Support board for over three years and is
currently an Advisory Council Member for the Women’s Leadership Circle at the
Vancouver Board of Trade and an active Community Leader and co-chair of the
Follow a Leader program with the Minerva Foundation.
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