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Thursday, October 2, 2014

NEW: Hybrid Executive Lean Program!

Take a look at the team building activity from day 2 of the Hybrid Executive Lean Program!

The task was to build a shelter to prevent a raw egg from breaking upon impact from a 6-foot free fall. Each team only had a limited number of straws and an arms' length of scotch tape to build their protective apparatus. In the real world, we often have to make due with finite resources and time constraints to solve critical issues as demonstrated by this team building activity. The teams had to use their imagination and creativity and realized that only having a good idea is not enough. The next step is to expand on it and implement your idea into actions with your teammates.

It was awesome to see how our executives could succeed in this task!

Creativity and team work are inherent and important aspects of Lean thinking. Our dynamic programs use a variety of teaching methods such as tactile, team building activities to communicate lean concepts. For more information on our lean training and coaching services, contact us at

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