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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

From the Eyes of a Lean Sensei Master Blackbelt: Last day of Florida Benchmarking Tour

Here is a post about the last day of Lean Sensei's Florida Lean Benchmarking Tour written by Master Blackbelt candidate, Brett Hiscock.

Jacksonville Sheriff's Department

Jacksonville’s Sheriff’s Department is the benchmark for Continuous Improvement in Law Enforcement Agencies. They started implementing Lean Principles around 2000. 
One of the projects undertaken in 2013 was called CHOP.  It looked at the correlation between low risk offenders who have been arrested or jailed on numerous occasions and being homeless. This program (in pilot now) is offering these individuals the opportunity to have a permanent home with a life coach, substance abuse counsellors as well as mental health counselling if needed. The purpose of this program is to try to break the cycle of repeat offending. If the results prove to be as big as the initial months have shown, this will be put forward for review as a national program.


Pilot Pen

Our next stop was Pilot Pens. The plant we visited supplies all pilot pens for the U.S., Northern Mexico and most of Canada. They produce on average 60,000 pens a day and have over 10,000 sku’s. The newest pen on the market is called a friction pen and it is erasable.

Florida Benchmarking Tour Photo Recap


Brett Hiscock, CIM, P. Mgr. is a Lean Facilitator and Training Within Industry Instructor at Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters

As part of the Lean Team with the MB CME team, I work with Consortia companies to train, coach and mentor on Lean Manufacturing Principles. I am also responsible for delivering the CME Training Within Industry J-Programs across Canada. Currently, I am working on my Master Blackbelt certification with Lean Sensei International.


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