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Thursday, July 12, 2012

LSI's workshop receives highest ranking at an international lean conference

LSI is excited to announce that at last month’s CME (Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters) Lean Conference held in Winnipeg, Manitoba, LSI’s Lean Strategy workshop received the highest ranking of all the workshops.

This is the third time David Koichi Chao's Lean Strategy session has received the highest ranking at CME/AME Lean conferences.  The CME/AME Lean Conferences are some of the largest lean conferences in the world and is highly respected as the best lean resource.

LSI’s founder and president, David Chao delivered the day-long workshop to various executives and managers, on the subject of lean strategy.

We are thankful for the great feedback and excited to continue the tradition of attaining top rankings since 2006 at various Lean Conferences:

2012 CME Winnipeg: 1st highest ranking workshop

2010 AME Baltimore: 2nd highest ranking workshop

2009 AME Kentucky: 3rd highest ranking workshop

2008 AME Toronto: 1st highest ranking workshop

2006 AME Cambridge: 1st highest ranking workshop

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