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Monday, October 22, 2012

Misperceptions of Lean

One of the biggest hurdles to getting buy-in for Lean is the misperceptions of what Lean Thinking actually is.

This is not necessarily Lean
Lean is NOT:

• Only about cutting overhead

• Only 5S – this is a tool that Lean organizations utilize

• Only for manufacturing

• Simply setting up assembly lines or work cells

• Uncomfortable work conditions to save money

Lean IS:

• A philosophy that considers value for the customer as the most important aspect of the business

• Removal of waste in all its forms from business processes

• A culture of collective continuous improvement

• Constantly building a work environment (the physical and psychological aspects) that promotes efficiency

• A belief that the actions of every single member of an organization makes a difference; cooperation is vital

• Respect for people

What are some misperceptions of Lean at your organization? Share with us in the comments area below.

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