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Monday, March 28, 2011

Japan Final Videos - All Five Days

We apologize for the delay, but we have finally completed the daily summary videos for all five days of the most recent Japan Lean Tour program. The videos provide day-to-day account of the various activities right up until the time earthquake hit Japan. 

Please note that you will some serious shots as well as humourous shots throughout the videos.  Since these videos were all taken before the earthquake, we were obviously unaware of what would take place in our last day of the program and so were going about each day in high spirit and energy.

The video summary ends right after the earthquake.  The only video we can show after that event is the commentary I made next day on Saturday regarding our team's safety and status.

We feel that the challenges we faced only strengthened our teamwork and brought us closer together than ever.  The event of March 11, 2011 have forever altered our thinking about lives and how we should be more thankful and appreciative.

Each video is anywhere from 5 min to just over 10 minutes.

Day Zero - one day before the official launch of Japan Lean Tour March 2011

Day One - official kickoff of the Japan Lean Tour (four days before the earthquake)

Day Two - second day of the Japan Lean Tour (three days before the earthquake)

Day Three - third day of the Japan Lean Tour (two days before the earthquake)

Day Four - fourth day of the Japan Lean Tour (one day before the earthquake)

Day Five - fifth day of the Japan Lean Tour (the day of the earthquake)

Day Six - day after the program completion and departure day for many (the day after the earthquake when we all tried to leave Japan to return home, but had difficulty with flights, trains, transportation). This is a short commentary from David Chao

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